'From soggy pants to victory dance,

and the stuff they learn in between!'




What makes this dry-night training program so unique?

The Captain Dry Pants Bedwetting Alarm Program is an interactive and relatable training resource, lovingly created by a mum to help families overcome their childrens bedwetting. With the use of a bedwetting alarm, children embark on a fun learning journey towards achieving 14 dry nights in a row. They navigate their way through seven habit-creating missions, complete fun activities and learning exercises throughout the whole journey and receive video guidance by 10 year old Ashton along the way! It truly is a life-changing experience!

So who is Captain Dry Pants?

Captain Dry Pants is a fun fictitious character who goes on a journey with your child towards achieving dry nights using a bedwetting alarm. They work together to beat the 'Wet Soggy Underpants' and complete seven important habit-creating missions along the way!

In addition to becoming dry at night, children will:

  • Take control of their bedwetting without it controlling them!

  • Develop healthy habits to assist them to become dry at night

  • Have the confidence to communicate their feelings

  • Accept they're not alone and interact with other kids!

  • Embrace their journey and turn it in to a positive experience

  • Take on responsibility to become dry

  • Discover their resilience and learn to push through challenges

  • Believe in themselves and trust that their goals are in reach

  • Accept the support of others without embarrassment or guilt

  • Be proud of themselves and enjoy the ride!

Parents will discover:

  • Why bedwetting alarms won’t work if your child’s unmotivated

  • That limiting their fluid intake is doing more harm than good

  • Why lifting your child at night is the worst thing you can do!

  • Why waking your child when YOU feel like it is doing nothing to teach them

  • That medications prescribed by doctors are not really the solution

  • How easy it is to keep your child motivated and excited to become dry at night

  • Why sleeping through the alarm is still teaching your child

  • How bedwetting is benefiting your child

  • How your child can survive school camps and sleepovers

  • Why you shouldn’t ‘give up’!

What others are saying...

Thanks so much Captain Dry Pants!

from Kristin

My 6 year old daughter has been using the dry nights program for 15 weeks and is finally dry at night! It was hard work at the beginning, but we went from a wet bed every single night to now staying dry for 21 nights in a row! It took until week 12 before she finally started waking up to the alarm and taking herself to the toilet. Be patient, follow the program and you will make it! Thanks so much Captain Dry Pants!

No more pull ups

from Emma

Thank you for helping me to not wear pull ups. On the first night I beat the buzzer 💤💤💤😵. I was getting up on my own after only a few accidents and beep alerts at the start and was completely dry after 3 weeks with the help of your buzzer!!!

Thank you

from Jacinta

Thank you so much for this program! My son is 7 and has just completed the program in 6 weeks. He was so determined to achieve 14 dry nights and to make Ashton proud. The achievement chart and letter from Ashton also gave him extra incentive to meet this goal. I cannot believe how easy and how quickly it worked. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I'm a big boy now!

from Eamon

Dear Ashton, I have completed fourteen nights in a row. I'm very proud of myself and I enjoyed it just like you did. I'm a big boy just like you now.

Honour Badges

Celebrate important life skills

Earn Honour Badges

Your child also has the opportunity to earn three 'Honour Badges' throughout their journey and these get awarded by YOU as their parent.

  • These badges are the Badge of Responsibility, Badge of Resilience and the Badge of Self-Confidence

  • Acknowledges and celebrates important life skills they've developed during their journey

  • These Honour Badges take pride of place on their Achievement Chart and is a beautiful reminder of their self-development achievements

Contents of Online Program

  • 2

    Boring instructions for grown-ups!

  • 4

    Mission 1 - Prepare for Liftoff!

  • 5

    Mission 2 - 'First-Nighter'

  • 6

    Honour Badges

  • 7

    Mission 3 - Drink Up!

    • MY MISSION - Drink lots of water and do wee regularly!

    • NOTES FOR PARENTS - Developing good drinking and toileting habits

    • What does my bladder do?

    • DOWNLOAD - Activity Sheet (Drink Up!)

    • DOWNLOAD - Let's Explore (Taking Responsibility to become dry)

    • Test your Learning

  • 8

    Mission 4 - The Night Walk

    • MY MISSION - Walk myself to the toilet during the night

    • NOTES FOR PARENTS - Walking to the toilet, not lifting or carrying!

    • DOWNLOAD - Activity Sheet (The Night Walk)

    • DOWNLOAD - Let's Explore - (Making a Testing Journal)

  • 9

    Challenges make me Stronger!

    • Challenges - what are they?

    • 1. Sleeping through the alarm

    • 2. A wet after lots of dry nights

    • 3. School camps & sleepovers

    • DONWLOAD - Let's Explore (Challenges make us stronger!)

  • 10

    Mission 5 - The Memory Game

    • MY MISSION - Remember the code word in the morning!

    • NOTES FOR PARENTS - Concentrating and bringing awareness to how their body feels in the moment

    • DOWNLOAD - Memory Game Record Sheet

    • What does 'Being Present' mean?

    • DOWNLOAD - Let's Explore - (Colour in and be present!)

  • 11

    Mission 6 - Buzzer Alert!

    • MY MISSION - Wake to the buzzer on my own for 3 nights in a row!

    • NOTES FOR PARENTS - Waking to their alarm

    • DOWNLOAD - Activity Sheet (Buzzer Alert!)

    • DOWNLOAD - Let's Explore - (My Interview on building resilience)

  • 12

    Mission 7 - The Bed Change

    • MY MISSION - Help to remake my bed!

    • NOTES FOR PARENTS - Involving your child in simple tasks

    • DOWNLOAD - Activity Sheet (The Bed Change)

    • DOWNLOAD - Let's Explore - (Affirmations help me stay positive)

  • 13

    Final Voyage - 14 Dry Nights!

    • Let's recap our amazing learning journey together!

    • MY MISSION - Achieve 14 dry nights in a row!

    • DOWNLOAD - Activity Sheet (Final Voyage!)

    • DOWNLOAD - Let's Explore (How am I feeling now?)

  • 14

    Next steps

    • Over-learning...

    • Relapses - what to do?

    • Parents, before you go...

You'll get all this...

In both the LAUNCH and ACCELERATE Programs!

  • Lifetime access 24/7 to the self-paced ONLINE PROGRAM!

  • 7 x Missions to complete, 3 x Honour Badges to earn and to achieve 14 dry nights in a row!

  • 19 x downloadables which include a Voyage Passport, Journey Map and Achievement Chart, 8 x Activity Sheets and 8 x 'Let's Explore' Activities.

  • Guidance by Tanya and Ashton through 25 x Videos, 8 x Parent Guides, Explanation of Challenges and Instructions for Over-learning.

  • Discussions inside each Mission and Parent Guides so children and parents can interact with Ashton, Tanya or each other.

  • Instant access to the Captain Dry Pants private facebook group for additional support from Tanya and other parents.

  • Opportunity to test their learning by completing 8 x Quiz's at the end of each Mission!

  • Email support and Certificate of Completion at the end of their journey (14 consecutive dry nights)!

Plus all these extras...

In the ACCELERATE Program!

  • Good quality wearable Bedwetting Alarm device (The Parenting Garden) with spare sensor and 3 x alarm-face stickers!

  • 20 page Mission Activity Book with removable Achievement Chart and all the Stickers your child will need! No need to download anything - all activities are in this book!

  • Letter from Ashton to your child which can also be personalised! Children LOVE receiving their very own letter from another child who has gone through what they are experiencing.

  • PHONE support by Tanya, in addition to email support.

Pricing Options:

For a limited time you can purchase the program at the special introductory price! (Normally $197 for Accelerate & $97 for Launch)

  • $137.00

    ACCELERATE - Most popular!

    Buy now
  • 2 x $70 (Accelerate program)

    Payment Plan (ACCELERATE only)

    Buy now
  • $47.00

    LAUNCH - online program only

    Buy now

By the end of this program your child will...

  • Be able to consistently achieve dry nights by either waking up on their own to a full bladder or hold on until morning.

  • Be able to recognise what triggers their wetting and learn to avoid certain food and/or drinks.

  • Have developed good drinking and toileting habits for long-lasting results.

  • Have discovered they're not the only child that wets their bed and feels like part of a team in their dry-night journey.

  • Have a good understanding of the bladder and how their urinary system works!

  • Have improved their memory, focus on the moment and notice how their body feels.

  • Be comfortable at communicating their feelings about their bedwetting.

  • Have the ability to look at challenges and setbacks in a positive light and gather what can be learned from the situation.

  • Be prepared for school camps and sleepovers and enjoy the experience without worrying about wetting the bed.

  • Feel confident in their own ability to stay dry and an immense feeling of accomplishment in achieving something BIG!

Here's more happy little stars!

I highly recommend!

from Sarah

Mr 6 has had a great success with the Captain Dry Pants Program. Before starting the program he was wetting every night. Within a week of using the alarm, he was starting to wake up and go to the toilet and even had a dry night!! He was so proud of himself. I highly recommend this program to anyone with a child wanting to stay dry at night.

So happy

from Naomi

Hi just wanted to let you know how happy we are with this product. It's been amazing how fast its worked for our daugher. Six years and never a dry night until now. She has passed her 14 dry nights now and won't even wear it anymore! Thank you again.

Best money ever spent

from Jason

This is the best money we have ever spent in our house on something that has made such a difference. Thanks again for the development, the charts, letter, stickers etc. They all ensure that our son was totally involved, thanks again. Should have found this years ago!

Thank you

from Tracie

I absolutely love this as I honestly had my doubts that it would work because we have tried everything with our 6 year old son prior with no success at all! The next step was medication and I did not want to go there! I noticed in the first week that he was stopping half way through and yep by the second week he was waking and going to the toilet by himself! It was amazing! Thank you soo much! I now have a draw full of pull ups to off load!

Common Questions:

  • What ages is this suitable for?

    Suitable for children from 5 to 12 years of age.

  • What makes this program so different and unique?

    Your child can interact with Ashton and other children going through the same experience - this to a child is so important as it helps them realise they are not alone! The missions are explained by a child via a video and if they like they can participate in discussions with Ashton. Not only are they working towards achieving dry nights using their bedwetting alarm, they are developing confidence, being educated and learning why their body does what it does. They are creating healthy habits for long-term success without even realising it! Progress is not just about achieving dry nights - this program focuses on children's efforts and improvements, developing their self-confidence, building resilience and taking responsibility. You can't get much more unique than that!

  • How would this Program benefit my child?

    Achieving 14 dry nights in a row is an awesome achievement in itself as your child would have willingly taken on the challenge and developed responsibility for becoming dry at night. But sometimes children need a little extra incentive to undergo certain tasks required in order to achieve their 14 dry nights in a row, e.g. walking themselves to the toilet during the night! The Captain Dry Pants Program recognises their progress and the steps they are taking, and rewards them for their efforts and improvements as well. If your child is between the ages of 5 and 12 years and you feel your child may benefit from a more 'interactive' and 'imaginative' journey to maintain their motivation, then the Captain Dry Pants Program is definitely recommended. It is also an educational program (without them knowing really!), as the missions they need to complete are all about developing and setting good habits, e.g. drinking enough water during the day.

  • How is this program different to The Parenting Garden Bedwetting Alarm Success Package?

    The Captain Dry Pants Program is an imaginative and educational alternative to The Parenting Garden Package. The Success Package is the 'foundation' as includes everything your child needs to get off to a good start. It includes a reliable good quality wearable alarm, daily achievement chart, stickers, a letter to your child from Ashton and all support materials. The Captain Dry Pants Program builds on this and takes your child on a journey with Captain Dry Pants. During their journey they'll need to complete 7 missions along the way which are designed to teach them good habits and acknowledges their efforts and improvements, as well as their achievements during their journey towards dry nights. They'll also receive 3 Honour Badges which celebrates important life skills they've developed, which will help them for the rest of their lives.

  • I already have a bedwetting alarm. Can I use my own or do I have to purchase yours?

    Of course you can use your own! It can be wearable, wireless or even an alarm mat will work. As long as it is in good workable condition. You have the option to purchase the online program only which is the LAUNCH program.

  • Why 14 dry nights in a row?

    14 dry nights is when they achieve 14 consecutive dry nights. This is the recommended number of nights as recommended by most Health Professionals around the world. Some health professionals may recommend a different number, e.g. 16 consecutive dry nights. If your health professional has recommended a different number of dry nights, then please follow their recommendations for your child's treatment.

  • Can I get my money back if I'm not satisfied?

    The online program element comes with a 100% money back guarantee. What this means is if you and your child have worked through all the missions, completed the activities and still don't feel you have value for money, then I will refund you the equivalent of the LAUNCH program cost. If you purchased the ACCELERATE program with the bedwetting alarm and Mission Activity Book, we will honour the 12 month warranty period on the alarm if proven to be faulty.